Good Cheer Trail Application Form

Section 1

Our physical address is also our mailing address.

Taste of Nova ScotiaWine Growers Nova ScotiaCraft Brewers Association of Nova ScotiaCraft Distillers Association of Nova ScotiaNova Scotia Cider Association



Section 2

Business Description - Provide a brief description of the Nova Scotia wine, craft beer, spirits, cider or mead experience you offer visitors. This will be used in Good Cheer Trail promotional materials. It should characterize your business/experience and what makes it “unique and memorable” for visitors, and any other necessary information.

Section 3

Required Standards for Participation - Adherence to these standards is required for participation in the Nova Scotia Good Cheer Trail. Check boxes to confirm that your business meets the required standards. NOTE: If your business is unique and does not meet one or more of these requirements, you can still qualify for the trail; please contact us at and we would be happy to chat with you about your application.

Section 4

Declaration of Accuracy - Please check each box to indicate that you understand the following statements. NOTE: If your business is unique and does not meet one of more of these requirements you can still qualify for the trail, please contact us at and we would be happy to chat with you about your application.

If you have any questions or concerns about this application, or the Good Cheer Trail, please contact Please note, the deadline for Good Cheer Trail applications is Monday, April 8, 2024.