Emerging Food Processors Program Application

Taste of Nova Scotia, with funding from the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture, is proud to deliver the Emerging Food Processors Program. Please read the complete Program Guidelines before submitting your application.

Applications will be accepted between September 18th, 2023, and November 3rd, 2023.

** Please note, the intake period has closed. We thank you for your interest; please keep checking back for any updates**


Applications will be accepted between September 18th, 2023, and November 3rd, 2023.

Step 1: Eligibility Requirements

• Is a farm that is currently registered in the correct income category under the Farm Registration Act, an Agri-Business, Restaurant Business or Mi’kmaq conducting farming activities in Mi’kmaw Communities.
• Generate an annual eligible gross income of $10,000 or more. Proof of income (as defined in Program Guidelines) to be e-mailed to programs@tasteofnovascotia.com
• Is at least 19 years of age.
• Project quotes to be e-mailed to programs@tasteofnovascotia.com

Note: The above requirements must be met, or the application will not be processed. Reference program guidelines for eligible projects, project timelines, and claim dates.

Step 2: Applicant Information

Business / Farm Name:

Applicant Name:

CRA Business Number:

Phone Number:


Mailing Address:

City / Town:


Postal Code:

NEW: Self Identification

Note: This information is not part of determining program eligibility and is voluntary.

A) Applicant Self-Identification (Owner/Operator)
Select all that apply:

Youth (Individuals 40 years old and younger)WomenMi’kmaqMétisInuitAfrican Nova ScotianNot ApplicableDecline to identifyOther (Please describe below):

Step 3: Details about your Proposed Project(s)

County of Project Location (Choose One)

Step 4: Project Identification

Eligible Projects (All Equipment must be Commercial Grade) – Choose an item from the list and provide specific equipment details:
Item 1:

Item cost:

Item description:

Item 2:

Item Cost:

Item description:

Item 3:

Item Cost:

Item description:

Item 4:

Item Cost:

Item description:

Total Project Cost:

In-kind Labour: In-kind labour is only eligible for applicant/business owner’s time towards eligible activities.

In-kind Labour 1: Site Preparation
Describe work that will be done:

Estimated Hours:

In-kind Labour 2: Building preparation
Describe work that will be done:

Estimated Hours:

Declaration, Authorization and Consent

By submitting this application form, I acknowledge and agree with the following:
• I have disclosed accurate, true and complete information to the program administration to date and I will continue to provide accurate, true and complete information which is not misleading;
• I have read the Program Guidelines and, if the application is approved in whole or in part, I agree to abide by the terms and conditions as set out in the Program Guidelines;
• I consent to the audit and verification of the information at any time prior to project commencement, during work, or upon completion of the project. Such audit and verification may be performed by Taste of Nova Scotia other parties chosen by Taste of Nova scotia for audit and verification purposes;
• I consent to the use and disclosure of the information by Taste of Nova scotia, where the information is relevant for the purposes of audit, analysis, evaluation, program development and determining program funding;
• I agree to repay any amount determined through audit or inspection that is deemed to have been provided in excess of the program funding to which I am entitled;
• I consent to the release of my name and the amount of any funding received under the Program as public information, to be actively disseminated by Taste of Nova Scotia;
• I acknowledge that any other information provided, unless disclosed in the manner and for the purposes to which I have consented above, will be subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP);
• I consent to representatives of Taste of Nova Scotia contacting me to discuss the results of the Program;
• I consent to Taste of Nova Scotia publishing the results of the Program with respect to the farm which may include my name, my farm location, the amount received and details about the projects associated with this Program; and
• I confirm that I have the authority to bind the applicant.

Applicant Name:
