Overnight Crockpot Apple Butter

Crockpot Apple Butter
This recipe comes to Taste of Nova Scotia from Halifax photographer/food blogger Kelly Neil. She recommends apple butter dolloped on homemade granola, on pancakes or French toast, on ice cream, on cake, on toast or by itself with a spoon.


1 cup dark brown sugar
1 lemon (juice from half)
2 tbsp water
1.5 tsp pumpkin pie spice
5 apples (we recommend: Noggins Corner Farm MarketStirling Fruit FarmsMasstown Market or Scotian Gold Co-operative)
1 tsp sea salt
0.5 tsp cinnamon
 1 tsp vanilla


  1. In a large bowl toss chopped apples with brown sugar, lemon juice and water to coat – place in crockpot and cook on low overnight.
  2. The next morning, stir in pumpkin pie spice, sea salt, cinnamon and vanilla – cook 2 hours more with lid slightly ajar to allow steam to escape – jar and eat.

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