Heartwood Raw Cranberry Cheesecake 

December is all about cranberries at Taste of Nova Scotia. Sweet, sour and tangy – this bold berry can be featured in a salad, a stuffing or a dessert. Heartwood Restaurant‘s baker,  Nicole Fraser, made this raw cheesecake (it’s vegan!) with a delicious cranberry filling for CTV Morning News recently.

You can whip one up yourself, or head to Heartwood Restaurant for a slice. They’ll be featuring this cranberry cheesecake for the month of December!


1/2 cup dates
1 1/2 cup walnuts
1/4 cup coconut
3 cups cashews
3/4 cup maple syrup (we suggest: Sugarmoon or Acadian Maple)
3/4 cup lemon juice
3/4 cup coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla

Ingredients (Fruit Filling)

3/4 cup Nova Scotia cranberries (we suggest: Terra Beata)
2-4 tbs maple syrup (we suggest: Sugarmoon or Acadian Maple)


  1. Sprinkle coconut at the bottom of a spring foam pan.
  2. Blend dates and walnuts in a blender until smooth.
  3. Press onto pan and freeze for an hour.
  4. Mix cashews, maple syrup, lemon juice, coconut oil, and vanilla in a blender until smooth.
  5. Pour filling into crust and let set in freezer for at least 5 hours.
  6. Blend fruit topping. Spread after the cake is set.

Recipe provided by:  Nicole Fraser, Heartwood Restaurant

For our November product of the month contest, click here to see how you can win with Nova Scotia cranberries. If you’d like more of our Taste of Nova Scotia recipes delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our Taste of Nova Scotia emails.

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