Seared Sea Scallops with Beet Purée and Orange Butter

Seared Sea Scallops, Le Caveau Restaurant

This mouth watering recipe for Seared Sea Scallops with Beet Purée and Orange Butter was provided by Chef Jason Lynch of Le Caveau Restaurant at Grand Pre Winery. Pair it with a Nova Scotia white wine like Domaine de Grand Pre’s Tidal Bay.


3 large beets
¼ cup dry white wine
1 orange
4 tbsp unsalted butter
12 large scallops
sea salt & ground white pepper


1. Roast beets in a 350°F oven for 45 minutes or until a fork slides into them without much force.
2. Cool beets and peel, purée in food processor until smooth.
3. Place beet purée in small pot. Heat white wine and reduce by half, then add juice and zest of orange.
4. Whisk in 3 tablespoons of butter and set aside.
5. Melt the remaining butter in a hot pan.
6. Cook scallops until crisp on the outside and just warm on the inside.
7. Reheat beet purée, season to taste with salt and pepper, and mold into a round in the centre of each plate.
8. Pour the orange butter around the beet purée, and arrange three scallops on top of the purée on each plate.

Serves 4 people

Recipe provided by: Chef Jason Lynch, Le Caveau Restaurant

Jason’s recipe for ‘Seared Sea Scallops with Beet Purée and Orange Butter’ is featured in our 2014 Culinary Guide.

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