EVENT: Open Farm Day 2020
This Sunday, visit farms from across the province from the comfort of your home!
Open Farm Day is returning September 20th to virtually celebrate 20 years of cultivating agricultural awareness. Traditionally, Open Farm Day is an opportunity for farmers to open their doors to the public to share farming practices and food safety values. This year, farmers have chosen to upload video clips on YouTube or host a Facebook Live on their business page to ensure this important event lives on.
Date: Sunday, September 20th, 2020
Time: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Where: The virtual event will take place via Facebook live or a pre-recorded short video on YouTube.
Check out the Taste of Nova Scotia members
taking part in #OpenFarmDay2020!
Meander River Farm & Brewery
Meander River Farm & Brewery provides an agri-tourism experience featuring a microbrewery, cidery, shop, hop yards, rows of lavender, lush gardens, and seasonal livestock. Their farm will be hosting a pop-up market on Sunday, September 20 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. with live music, wine, beer, mead, lunch, and local artisans.
Sugar Moon Farm
This year, Sugar Moon Farm will be live on Facebook at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 p.m., and 1 p.m. as they share the exciting activities on their farm and how to visit them! They’ll also be demonstrating how to make sugar on snow and a classic maple tonic.
Scotian Gold
Scotian Gold will be live on Facebook at 2:3o p.m. to virtually tour their orchards and answer any questions you may have.
Country Magic Produce
Country Magic Produce is providing a chance to see their three main crops of blueberries, potatoes, and onions up close on Sunday, September 20 via a pre-recorded YouTube video.
Van Dyk’s by Nature 100% Pure Wild Blueberry Juice
Join the Van Dyk’s team as they tour one of their wild blueberry fields and take you to their processing plant via YouTube. You’ll get a behind the scenes tour to view where they make their 100 per cent wild blueberry juice and 100 per cent gently dried wild blueberries.
Meadowbrook Meat Market
Join Meadowbrook Meat Market live on Facebook at 12 p.m. to visit their store virtually, see their products, meet their staff, and see what happens behind the scenes at their farm and retail store.