Nova Scotia Cookery Then & Now

Nova Scotia cookery

Recipes from the Nova Scotia Public Archives collection have been given new life in Nova Scotia Cookery, Then & Now.

Take one batch of historic recipes, add a handful of local, inspired chefs, mix well, and serve up a modern version of Nova Scotia culinary history.

This timeless cookbook brings together Nova Scotia’s multicultural heritage with generations of culinary traditions to create over 80 modernized, distinctive recipes. Local chefs were paired with historic dishes to recreate the recipes using today’s food styles.

You’ll step back in time as you see the old recipe set against the new. The cookbook includes recipes Salted Mackerel, Rice Pudding and Roasted Tomato Soup to name a few.

Nova Scotia Cookery Then & Now is the perfect gift for your family historian or the chef in your life. Every time you try a new recipe you’ll be celebrating Nova Scotia’s culinary history, culture and traditions.

To Purchase: Nimbus Publishing
Cost: $27.95
Editor: Valerie Mansour
Photography: Photographer Len Wagg and stylist Jessica Emin

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