Pudding Chomeur A La Lavallée

Photo of: Pudding Chomeur
For maple lovers, this is a must try dessert. Sweet, gooey goodness that will satisfy your sweet tooth and fill your sugar cravings.

Ingredients (maple topping)

375 ml (1½ cup) water
250 ml (1 cup) Nova Scotia maple syrup*
375 ml (1½ cup) brown sugar
15 ml (1 tbsp) flour

Ingredients (cake)

113 g (1/2 cup) butter
201 g (1 cup) white sugar
2 eggs
192 g (1½ cup) flour
10 ml (2 tsp) baking powder
Pinch of salt
5 ml (1 tsp) vanilla
188 ml (3/4 cup) milk


  1. Heat all maple topping ingredients in a pot until it comes to a boil.
  2. In separate bowl, cream butter with sugar; add eggs one at a time.
  3. Add flour, baking powder and salt; then milk and vanilla.
  4. In large, deep baking or casserole dish, place hot maple liquid and spread cake batter on top.
  5. Place in pre-heated 190 C (375 F) oven and bake for 30-40 minutes.

Recipe Hints

*We suggest using Acadian Maple Products or Sugar Moon Farm.

Recipe provided by: Chef Renee Lavallée, The Canteen
Recipe was first published March 19, 2012. Visit The Feisty Chef for a history of the dessert in Lavallée’s family.

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2 Responses to Pudding Chomeur A La Lavallée

  1. I think I’ll make this on Sunday…sounds amazing!

  2. This Pudding a Chomeur recipe is the BOMB!….and my friend from Montreal (I’m a misplaced Maritimer,as I live here now) says it is better than any she’s had here! Easy to make too!

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