Nova Electric Lemonade

NovaNatural Lemonade

#NSJoyride Cocktail Competition (4 of 5)
#4: Karen Schaler – @TravelTherapy 


2.5 oz Ironworks Vodka
2 oz Tangled Garden Lemon Thyme Cordial
2 oz Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
1 oz Soda Water
10 Fresh Mint Leaves


  1. Muddle fresh mint and put in bottom of 12 oz glass.
  2. Fill glass 3/4 full with ice cubes. 
  3. Add in Vodka, Lemon Juice, Lemon Thyme Cordial.
  4. Top off with Soda water.
  5. Mix well with stir stick.
  6. Garnish with a lemon wedge and mint sprig.

Recipe provided by: Karen Schaler, Travel Therapy, as part of the #NSJoyRide Nova Scotia Cocktail Competition

NOTE: This is the fourth drink in our ‪#‎NSJoyRide‬ Cocktail Challenge. We’re featuring all five cocktails over the summer – one more left to go! #visitnovascotia

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