Millen Farms

Photo of Millen Farms' logo

Millen Farms, located in the Great Village area, is a family-owned sustainable farm. It has been in operation for over 40 years. The farm, which involves the whole family, is a Canada Gap certified farm. It includes 200+ acres of strawberries, 1,000+ acres of wild native lowbush blueberries, 25 acres of rutabaga and a few acres of onions.  

At Millen Farms, we take pride in producing top quality fruits and vegetables. The strawberries are picked fresh daily and shipped to our buyers to ensure peak freshness to the consumer. The rutabagas and onions are also selectively hand harvested. The wild blueberries are delicately harvested with small machines that resemble the traditional hand-raking method and are sold fresh while in season, as well as frozen, year-round.  

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