
Photo of: Masstown collage 1 small

To Market, to Market

In the past two weeks, I have been to Masstown Market four times. Yes, four. I really can’t get enough of the fresh, local produce, home-style cooking, the bakery (best blueberry scones in the province!)


The 2011 Culinary Guide has arrived.

Warmer weather, longer days and brighter spirits are all sure signs of spring here in Nova Scotia. Another sure sign of spring is the release of the annual Taste of Nova Scotia Culinary Guide. Click here to learn more about getting your free copy.

Beer, BBQs and Growlers

I have a confession to make: I do not like the winter. I’ve tried. Despite giving snowboarding, speed skating, and polar bear dipping honest attempts, when the snow falls, I can’t help but daydream about