Gold Cider: Bulwark Cider
AN APPLE A DAY: Golden-hued and delicious, Bulwark Gold is inspired by the glow of the sun that feeds their 100% Nova Scotian apples.
AN APPLE A DAY: Golden-hued and delicious, Bulwark Gold is inspired by the glow of the sun that feeds their 100% Nova Scotian apples.
AN APPLE A DAY September 14: If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, cider lovers are in luck! You’ll get more than your fair share of apples (and good cheer!) with hard apple
AN APPLE A DAY: Did you know that some of your favourite local wineries are also cider producers?
September is in full swing and the feeling of fall is in the air. Enjoy local wine, fresh seafood and check out farms across the province on Open Farm Day.
EVENT: Avondale Sky Winery Annual Garlic Fest
AN APPLE A DAY: Chef Jean-Luc Doridam, (NSCC Akerley) shares his tips for cooking with Nova Scotia apples
From cooking classes to hop picking – there is no shortage of ways to enjoy local food and drink this week.
AN APPLE A DAY: Treat yourself to a Pomme d’Or Apple Cream Liquor or Ice Cider from Domaine de Grand Pré.
Freshly sliced, baked in a pie, sprinkled with cinnamon or paired with a piece of cheddar – September in Nova Scotia is all about apples.
From live tunes to cooking demonstrations, we’ve got it all in Nova Scotia this week!