Authentic Seacoast Company

Authentic Seacoast Company (ASC) is known for their award-winning spirits, craft beer, and organic fair- trade coffee as well as their breathtaking accommodations. Their operations are based in Guysborough, a beautiful seaside village on the Eastern Shore. Their portfolio includes Nova Scotia’s beloved FORTRESS® Rum, SEA FEVER® Rum, GLYNNEVAN® Whisky,
RARE BIRD® Craft Beer, VIRGA® Vodka and FULL STEAM® Coffee.
Glamp in their oceanside Yurts in the Vineyard or stay in their historic DesBarres Manor. Built in 1837, this charming inn boasts a dining menu featuring local seafood, including freshly caught halibut from their chef and Chedabucto Bay scallops. For adventure, try their unforgettable glamping experience! Soak in a wood-fired hot tub, kayak in the cove, taste a selection of their fine spirits at the distillery and more.
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ASC also owns Acadian Maple Products, Nova Scotia’s largest maple syrup processor. Shop online