White Point Will Rebuild

Like many, Taste of Nova Scotia was shocked to hear about the fire at White Point Beach Resort on November 12. It is with great sadness we mourn the loss of such an iconic pillar of our culinary tourism community. Although the Main Lodge has been destroyed, we much anticipate the rebuild of White Point and look forward to their re-opening. We are glad that no one was injured in the fire and that the support to rebuild has been so strong within our community. One only has to look at the abundance of photos, stories, memories and messages on the White Point page on Facebook to see the impact a White Point vacation has had on so many children and adults.

On that note,  we would like to share this update from White Point’s general manager, Danny Morton:

Dear White Point Friends and Family,
On Nov. 12, 2011, our historic Main Lodge at White Point was destroyed by fire. We are eternally grateful for the efforts of Volunteer Fire Firefighters from 16 South Shore Departments, led by our own here in Liverpool, who managed to contain the blaze to that one building.

As families do, we lean on each other, for support, assistance and comfort. We are so appreciative of the degree of in person and online caring that has flowed our way. From the endless and heartfelt posts online, neighbours bearing food, offers of supplies and equipment and ‘hands on’ help, we could not have imagined the degree to which this caring would manifest, it has been overwhelming, yet incredibly energizing.

I am extremely proud of our team, who on that day and in the days since, continue to deliver service, ensuring that our guests and scheduled events are cared for.

Today, with the exception of our 13 Vacation Homes and Cottages, White Point is closed as we focus our efforts on rebuilding our Main Lodge. We look forward to welcoming White Pointers back to the beach by Fall 2012. Until we reopen, we invite a you to be a part of our rebuilding process. We will continue issuing updates by way this Great Day Club newsletter and, of course you can stay in touch through our online channels.  And be assured, our bunnies are definitely being fed and cared for.

Looking forward to welcoming White Pointers back for many more “Great Days” at White Point!
Danny Morton
General Manager, White Point

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