The Canteen Seafood Chowder

The Canteen Seafood Chowder
Mmmmmm. There’s nothing better than a warm bowl of chowder during the winter. This seafood chowder recipe will be sure to get rid of those winter blues in no time. Whether you’re hosting a party or simply need to try a new chowder – this is the recipe for you!


8 strips bacon, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 leek, chopped
3 ribs of celery, chopped
3 potatoes, washed and chopped (skin on)
1 cup  (250ml) corn (fresh or frozen)
3 cups (750ml) chicken stock
1 cup (250ml) Nova Scotia white wine
2 cups (500ml) 2% milk
1 can clams (add the juice too!)
3 tins smoked oysters
1lb (450g)
haddock (or any fish you prefer)
200g smoked halibut or haddock
1 cup (250ml) cold water shrimp
1 tbsp (15ml) tarragon, chopped
salt & pepper


  1. In a large pot, cook off the bacon with a little oil and add the onion, leek, celery and potato. Sweat for 5 minutes.
  2. Deglaze with the white wine and cook another 2 minutes. Add the chicken stock and the liquid from the clams and cook for 1/2 hour until the vegetables are soft.
  3. Add in the smoked fish (cut up) and the white fish. Cook for another 10 minutes and then add the remaining ingredients and heat through.
  4.  Season with salt and pepper and garnish with fresh dill.

Local Source Guide:

Bacon: Meadowbrook Meat Market or The Pork Shop.
Local Produce: Noggins Corner Farm MarketStirling Fruit FarmsMasstown Market or one of the many other Farmers’ Markets of Nova Scotia.
Nova Scotia Wine: Luckett Vineyards, L’Acadie Vineyards, Grand Pré Wines, Sainte-Famille Wines, Muwin Estate Wines or Devonian Coast Wineries
Local Seafood: Evan’s Seafood & Restaurant, Arichat Seafood Market, Clearwater Seafoods Ltd. or Fishermen’s Market

Recipe provided by: Chef Renée Lavallée, The Canteen

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